Saturday, November 5, 2011

PE2 - iMovie

I am officially 2/3 of the way through this training series on iMovie from  These sessions focused on slightly more advanced features in iMovie, including editing and working with different effects.  One of my favorite new tricks, is creating a still picture from your video clips.  This tool is very handy.  I also am excited about the one step effect of flash and hold last frame.  This will enable you to stop the video and hold an a certain instance and pause there for a moment.  This effect could lead to entertaining video that catches action that may be funny, dramatic or a moment you just want to highlight.   Here is the example that I made using footage from our school dance.  It would be hard to explain this not using a video.

As you can see, I  chose a specific point in the clip to capture and hold and then the clip continues to play as it normally would.

I was excited to learn that iMovie has the capabilities of green screen functions.  This was one concern I had in the past, after briefly using Premiere in my first graduate program. This function can lead to very creative experiences.  You can impose backgrounds behind you and I once used it in a book and zoomed in as if the book were actually playing a movie.  It was an effective idea and gave my project something unique.

The last part of the session taught us how to make a movie trailer.  This was fun for me, and I used video I had recently downloaded from our Fall Festival at school.  The kids would love to see themselves dancing on a movie trailer.  I may use something like this to promote the sporting events or the yearbook at school.  iMovie lets you edit the titles in the template so that you can personalize it to your needs. 

I am excited to finish up this tutorial and post my personal bio on here.  This will give my cohort a small insight to who I am, since I just joined then as a certificate student.  Until then....

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing your bio video. I appreciated what you said in the Wimba session today - you must be feeling rather "alone" in this crazy cohort you've found yourself in. We are glad you've joined us and I look forward to getting to know you better this month and in the months to come.

    Nice work on your video footage - the effects you used were very effective.

    Good luck on your final tutorial and the video that goes along with it. Looks like you've gotten a good handle on what you've learned so far!

